FCM - Federation of Christian Ministries - Faith, Communities & Ministries

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2024-07-21T22:19:20-04:00

We’ve Got Answers

Who we We Are.
What we believe.
How we Minister.

We’ve gathered a list of commonly asked questions about FCM and their corresponding answers here. If there is a question you have that is not addressed here, we encourage you to reach out to us and learn more.

How do I find out what FCM region I’m in?2024-02-02T16:11:06-04:00

You can find out which FCM region you belong to here.

Is FCM a church? Where are the worship services?2023-04-22T17:22:30-04:00

FCM is a community of ministers from around the United States and the world who come together to empower each other for specialized inclusive ministries. While we are a community of faith, we do not have dedicated church buildings or traditional worship services. We recognize that many of our members retain dual membership with FCM and a local community of faith (sometimes also affiliated with FCM) and encourage members to seek out meaningful relationships with communities of faith around them.

That does not mean that we do not celebrate services and worship together; however, there are many opportunities for members to gather both in person and via video conference on a local, regional, and national level. We recognize that The Spirit has called our members to serve in unique and transformational ways that do not always follow the traditional schedule of weekend services; therefore we provide opportunities for members to connect in service and worship across a varied number of venues and modalities.

Can I just pay the fee, and become ordained with FCM instantly?2023-04-22T17:17:46-04:00

FCM does not provide universal and open ordination/commissioning to any and all that apply. Each individual member seeking commissioning must complete an application with supporting materials and be approved by our leadership (The Circle) at one of two annual meetings.

The Federation of Christian Ministries locates authority for the authorization and oversight of ministers, including ordination and continued standing, in The Circle of Directors which includes regional vice presidents. In the work of authorization and oversight, the Circle discerns collectively the wisdom of the Spirit, the call of Christ, and the mission of God, on behalf of the membership of FCM.

Does FCM accept/affirm LGBTQ+ individuals?2023-04-22T17:13:07-04:00

Membership and subsequent commissioning are not restricted on the basis of attributes such as gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or any other classification.

Like the early Christian communities, we believe that the people of God, whenever and wherever they gather, are the church. Our Federation is a fresh expression of the original term ecclesia, a people in the diaspora, caught between the already and the not yet. We are constant reminders that God is doing something new, yet continuing to inspire faith communities that reflect the traditions of the early church. We show by our structures, governing style, and actions a collegial model of equality that continues to struggle against sexism, racism, poverty, ageism, heterosexism, homophobia, clericalism, environmental destruction, nationalism, and all forms, beliefs, systems, as well as actions that divide and subjugate people.

Who can join FCM?2023-04-22T17:11:34-04:00

All individuals that subscribe and are willing to uphold our purposes (check out the constitution for more information) and are seeking to participate in a vibrant community are welcome to join FCM.

How was FCM formed?2023-04-22T16:29:11-04:00

FCM’s history began in the late 1960s. We were founded by men who had left the active Roman Catholic priesthood, often to marry. They had found institutional rules to be too constricting. Because they wanted to continue to engage in ministry, they founded FCM. Today we call our ordination procedure “Commissioning.” We conduct a rigorous process with a Commissioning Candidate so that we know our ordained ministers are ready to lead worship, officiate at weddings and funerals…to be a Christian ministerial leaders.

Is FCM legitimate?2024-02-02T18:49:28-04:00

We are a convention of faith communities and churches, gathering and inspiring Christians and individual ministers. Ministering to God’s people, we serve as equals and partners by providing pastoral and spiritual care, leading worship services, and officiating at weddings, baptisms, and funerals. We offer spiritual direction, lead retreats, and offer healing and interfaith outreach.

You can learn about our legal structure at Guidestar or Charity Navigator. Our federal EIN is 27-7089016.

Who is eligible for Commissioning (ordination) with FCM?2023-04-22T17:04:34-04:00

Commissioning (our word for ordination) is open to all members of FCM. Membership and subsequent commissioning are not restricted on the basis of attributes such as gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or any other classification.

Is there a cost to join FCM?2024-02-02T18:50:09-04:00

Membership dues are required each year and can be found on the membership page. There are costs associated with commissioning (ordination) as well as ecclesiastical endorsement for those members who seek those authorizations for ministry.

Will FCM recognize my ordination in another tradition?2023-04-22T17:08:48-04:00

If you are currently or previously ordained or otherwise authorized for ministry in another tradition, please provide evidence of your ordination/authorization when completing your application for Commissioning with FCM. While FCM is not in automatic communion with any other faith tradition at this time, your current or prior affiliation is an important part of your journey and should be included for review by the Circle when your application materials are submitted.

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